Monday, August 10, 2009

Yoga and Toast

Today, Sunday, I woke up to start my yoga practices finally while here in India. For the last 2 weeks I have been unable to perform any athletic movement, except for the rock scrambling a week ago. There has not been any time for me to try, firstly, and also the amenities have not been available while traveling in cities. I am not going to try to jog around Mcleod Ganj on their cobbled streets and sprain my ankle again, no sir.
So, one of the benefits of being alone while here in Mcleod Ganj is that I can make my agenda without worrying about other people’s agendas. I can go out and eat breakfast after 10am, if I so choose. I can even miss a meal! And I can stay in my room and read and/or write these lengthy blogs for everyone’s enjoyment.
Anyways, I woke up to try one of the morning yoga classes up and down the hill. Problem, I was ignorant to think that Sundays would have normal schedules for yoga here. Nothing in India works that way; Sundays are the day off for even the gods, I believe. Maybe not for the Sikhs, but for everyone else it seems so. Anyways, I scaled the hill and went to every studio to find no morning classes being held. So I grabbed the schedules, and decided to settle and try again for a later Hatha class at Universal Yoga.
I went right to First Cup and started reading a book that I stole from their shelves, “The White Tiger”. I will give it back to them when I’m done. I took my time, and finished my tea and porridge a few hours into my book.
And then I came home and began retyping all of the blogs I lost.
So at 2pm I took the Hatha Yoga class. Classes here tend to be about 2 hours long, and it was a really excellent class. It was slow moving, but I really had time to work on my positions and make sure that I was aligning my body properly and safely. Let me tell you, I hadn’t realized how hard the right positions could be until this class! Maybe I just hadn’t had the right kind of classes, but I was breaking a sweat 10 minutes into the class, and we were only working on positioning the tailbone down. I also forgot how much harder the positions can be, and yoga in general can be, when someone is telling you when and how you can breathe. That alone made me start to pant a little bit.
The class ended, and I rewarded myself with a cheese tomato toast and momo while reading at Peace CafÈ.
And now, I have successfully finished filling in over a week of travel in this blog! Who knows what the night will take me now! Probably back to the books…. I think I’ll make my daily call to Maulin now.

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