Monday, May 08, 2006

I'm Alive

Just to say that if you're reading this (cough cough, family), I'm alive. I've been pent up for days now, trying to study and write final papers.

Friday, I went out with some random guys (Bob & Rob) from class. It was fun, we went to a few pubs, hung out with a few other NYU kids (which was potentialy awkward), danced, and I taught Rob how to salsa. Well, tried to...

Last night, Oz and I met up late and went to some place called the Zoo Bar (a slightly sketchy place with many-a-wasted Brits dancing on bartops...really, a treat for all) with some of his Barcelonian and Istanbulian friends. Seeing as many of his friends there were religiously Muslim, we stuck to sodas, and the two of us kidded with each other and goofed off while making fun of the people in the bar all night. I tried to show him how to dance like an American. He didn't get it. And he made fun of my English.

Today, my laptop and I have been inseperable while I attempt to outline this media paper I am writing. Though I completely disagree with my own paper, the thesis statment is: Hollywood hegemony exists in the global film industry because of its overall superiority, especially in business tactics, quality for the popular public, and professional education. Any takers?

The paper's due on Thursday, Andy is coming to visit on the same day, finals start on the 15th, and Neil comes that day, too. This will be a trip!

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