Thursday, March 02, 2006

Get Involved

I'm apparently volunteering at the Benjamin Franklin House Museum in London....who knew? The lady is really flighty, and has been having a hard time making plans with me. We'll see how far this goes

I joined UCLU's Stage Crew Club for their play this weekend, "The Tempest" (I love this play). The guys were pretty nice. Picked up my name immediately, got me involved right away...and were really glad to have me there helping. Very approachable. Very techies.

I have come to the fatal conclusion that I am dead broke. Think, no money. So, I'm looking for some little jobs here & there that can replenish what I like to call my, "PITS OF HELL." Let's hope I can come back to the US still holding onto a thread of decency.

Oh, Monday morning around 6:30am I got a call from my friend Matt Dell (NYU). He was in New Orleans for Mardi Gras, and was calling all of his good friends to say hi, he said. I was still asleep, so I think I mumbled something about seeing him when I get back, have to hang out, and then I fell back asleep, but VERY happily. It may have been a drunk dial, but it made me happy, nonetheless.

Classes are happening. Wonderful. Burning out much?

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