Friday, March 30, 2007


1) My run on Wednesday was probably one of the worst runs I've ever had. When I got outside and started running, of course, it started downpouring on me. Being reluctant and stubborn, I journeyed on. Soaking wet by the middle of it. I felt on the verge of a sinus infection, so that made things worse. And to top it off, I get nearly sick in the middle of the run. Now, normally, I can just suck it up and run it out or just take a slower pace and finish the run. But not Wednesday...I had to actually stop and run into a café before passing out or something on the street. Not good.
2) I am officially frustrated with my French.
3) I am truly considering doing some schoolwork really soon.
4) Last night I had my singing concert with the blind singing group, INJA. It lasted about 2.5 hours, which meant that it was 2 hours longer than I had prepared for. It's true that I made friends with 2 of the basses in my group, Lars from Berlin and José-Louis from Brittany (who, oddly enough, is a 2nd lieutenant in the military). It's true that Liisa and I were being super girly most of the night. It's true I spoke French most of the night. It's true that Etienne and I (for once) actually got along. But still, too long. Far, far too long.
The music was good. From what I gathered from the conversation, one of the blind guys was asking Etienne all about me. Don't know why. Maybe because I sing like a man? Etienne (I pray accidentally) grabbed my rear in the middle of the concert to pull me and my music towards him, which made me jump while on stage. He told me he had to use me for my music and because he didn't know the music. Still, was the toosh-touching necessary? I think not.
José-Louis promised to tell me when Sciences Po is having a gala event and that he'll wear one of his many uniforms to it. I'm really, really excited. Maybe I should bring along another military guy I know, make him wear his uniform....they could have a uniform competition! Oh, this is sounding incredible.....
5) I got in an argument with my marketing professor today. He's German, I'm American. He wants his powerpoint slides one way, I was taught another. Butting heads for 15 minutes. I think I lost when he said, "Well, you should just try to meet my standards since I'm grading your presentations." Jerk.
6) Because I'm apparently funny (in the cheeky sense) and pretty outgoing in class, my marketing class loves me.
7) Liisa and I have a system for lunch right now; every lunch we go down to the school's underground cafeteria, and we get baguettes. Then, after the baguettes, we go back and pick 2 of the "gôuters" (aka pastry/snack/things) and split them in half to sample. The chocolate ones almost always win.
8) My favorite song of the month is Amy Winehouse's "Rehab".

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