Thursday, February 09, 2006

Midsummer Night's Dream

I went to see the Royal Shakespeare Company last night.
The play was delightful!
The actors were all British, 1.
2, the costumes and sets were magnificent.
3, the lighting was well done.
4, they performed without microphones.
5, they kept everything in, and included lots of physical comedy.
6, their adaptation was very creative. Puck, instead of some spritely fellow, was a tired old sarcastic man. He was wonderful. Hilarious, poignant, and had wonderful stage abilities.
7, good-looking men. EVERYWHERE.

In the audience, I am ashamed to say, I was oggling at a bunch of private-high school boys. They must've been 17, at most. They were just well dressed, and beautiful. Don't worry, I'm not a pedafile. But damn, they don't make them like that anymore.
As a defense, the NYU row we had was probably the oldest set of people in the theatre. It was all grade-school girls and high school boys.

Oh, and I aced my Marketing project that is 25% of my grade. Go us. The Marketing professor has taken a liking to me, and has asked me to become his "class rep". Whatever that job entails, I haven't a clue. But I'm flattered.
I'm sick again because my roommate Julia decided to get wasted last night and keep the entire building up with drunk calls. How nice of her. We're REALLY close, can ya tell?
I went shopping today for a gym bag and got a cute little hoody, too. I feel SO BRITISH right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh but mrs. robinson, 17 is perfectly legal in England.....