Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Turk Night

Another ridiculous night.
So Denysha, Eliana, and I met 2 Turk guys I met on some online thing. They were nice guys, so it was grand, but it was AWKWARD. 1) the guys were 24 & 29. 2) they could not speak english. 3) they were awkward. We went to a pub with them, then we ended up goin to dinner because us girls were starving. We even got desert. The guys did not eat because they were too busy smoking their Malboros. They sure asked some messed up questions, like how does Las Vegas get their water and electricity? They wanted to go out to a club with us, but we bailed.
Just a side note: Oz, the 24-year-old looks JUST LIKE my friend Sam Z. from home. I got flustered because I kept thinking it was Sam, only he had a lower voice, and spoke broken Turk-English . Levent wasn't bad looking either, the 29-year-old.
So we ended up at my place, where my roommate Julia (I say with such affection...bitch) was throwing a kegger. In London. Classy.
We left that quickly, and found some little cafe where they were playing foosball. We hung out there for a while, and then ended up back at the pub Print Works. I hate that place, I say with loving memories. We ended up staying til close because a lot of NYU kids came in and we were dancing. That means, we were dancing with very drunk classmates that we will see in a completely different situation on Monday. Ridiculous.
I got back to my place around 3am, but Julia (someone needs to put a leash on her) decided to continue the kegger. In my suite. Right now. Mind you, I have to wake up in the morning. I could slug her.

OH! but today was lovely! I decided to hit up the Shakespeare Globe Theater. It was remarkable. All outdoor, authentic, really beautiful and vulgar at the same time. I got pictures of that. Then I got lost in South London in little creepy (and OLD) alleyways, to end up in a fish and meat market (Borough Market?). It was thrilling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kim, I always knew you were a whore, but really now, how many men does that make???

And if you see a play at the Globe, make sure you get sitting room tickets. Standing a la peasant for a 3 hour performance of Anthony and Cleopatra is not good.