Tuesday, May 01, 2007


It was excellent.
I am walking to the Bon Marché to pick up something for dinner between classes, when I see him.
A light pink tank top, shades, a cute mauve pencil skirt, a small shoulder purse, pink fishnets, highlighted hair and pink strappy kitten heels.
At first glance (and only seeing his back), I was thinking, "Holy Amazon! That is one hefty chick!"
Then I look at the walk, and think that's one mannish walk that Amazon woman has...
Ahhh.....she is a he!
And he didn't hide it, either. I am surprised I thought it was a woman at all!
I couldn't tell whether he was a transgender or just put up to a really funny joke/bet.
I walked behind him for a few blocks, and the walk was delightful! People's reactions to him were utterly priceless. Confused old women. Smiling younger guys. The whole lot.
I wanted really badly to take a picture of him, but his stride was too long, and I ended up getting it out just as soon as I got caught behind some tourists.

I got a really good wok at the grocer's. Unfortunately, the men making my wok were hitting on me, telling me how "belle" I was (which, of course, I have to say thank you, but always with a hint of cynicism), and why would such a pretty girl like me be eating alone when they can join me? I utter "rentrerai chez Sciences Po" and they shut up about that. They quickly caught onto my American accent, and started asking me about the American Presidential Elections. I tried to explain that it was too early in the race for me to decide who to vote for, but they continue insisting I have a candidate to vote for already.
It's funny how people here are behaving lately, with this whole election being days away. People are talking about politics nonstop, and even projecting thoughts about OTHER elections they have no control over.
That wok was really, really good, though. I relished in it for a whole 45 minutes.

In French class, the highlight of the class (aside from my phone ringing 3 times in a row while I tried to silence it) was definitely about "Pimp My Ride." Someone made a comment about old cars getting fixed up pretty. Someone else (American, of course) made a funny remark about "Pimp My Ride," at which my French teacher looks at her with complete horror and disgust.
In English, he says, "You PROSTITUTE your CAR?!?!?!"
Oh, the fun got only better after that. YOU try explaining to a French person in FRENCH who's native tongue isn't English what "pimp" means in slang. By the end of the discussion, I was crying of laughter, only to find out furthermore that in the UK it's called "Chav My Motor". Which, to those who aren't familiar with English slang, basically means "White-Trash My Car".

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