Thursday, June 14, 2007

Goodbye, Caterpillar

Peter bought me a red rose.
It was his last night.
People came over to my place for dinner last night while I made a quick dinner and 2 desserts (brownies and cookies). It was a nice calm dinner for most of the end, but the beginning was a bit chaotic because I poorly planned the blasted thing. Oh well, moving right along.
Peter kept talking about he was worried it was the end of his life / the world, then would tell us all about he's going to change his life in Scotland around.
My little boy has grown up so much this semester. I met him his first day in Paris, and he was like a little kid scared and ornery. And now? He's this guy! This guy who makes some decisions and can woo girls and stay off the liquor on his own accord and is sweet and funny and caring! I'm so proud of him and how far he has come along with us.
Afterwards, Brandon Lorena Peter and I went to Chez George for Peter's final bar in Paris.
Lorena and I danced. Brandon encouraged me and helped boost my self esteem. Peter was being noble and socializing over bottles of wine.
I finally had to leave, though, to catch the last métro. Peter got a little teary eyed. He gave me a huge and long bear hug, kissed me a bunch of times on the cheek, telling me how much he loved me and how much I did for him and all of that. I promised him we would still be seeing each other, I promise. He bought me the rose as I left.
Peter the caterpillar has butterflied.
I was a bit weepy the entire time getting home, and I am keeping that rose for as long as possible.

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