The last day in Paris was busy!
I met up with Lorena for a goodbye lunch. Reminiscing.
Then we went to close my bank account.
Then I met up with Kendra for a goodbye beer and sorbet. Talked about life.
Then I ran home to clean my apartment as much as possible.
Then ran to meet up with Joris, his ex, Marion, Marie, and Steven at Les Halles for my last night. We ended up going to this Café Rive Droite. I had entrecote and felt like a million pounds. They spoke in fast French (of course) and I missed most of what was going on. I was stressed anyways, so I wasn't focussing very much. Too much had to be done before leaving.
Anyways, the reason we went to this bar was because it became a Karaoke night after 11pm.
The kids got drunk fast, and the karaoke got a lot more fun after that. They sang loudly and usually on pitch. More animation, and even some dancing!
The music was interesting, too. The French songs were ridiculous (like one about Mexico?), and the English songs were sung with some hilarious interpretations and accents.
They made me sing in a group with them to a French song I had never before in my life. So, that was the first problem. Second, language. Third, the French kids weren't even keeping up with the words in the song! Too fast! I just sang "lalalala" and it seemed to be alright. It was a song about being on the boats in the sea..."Emmenez-moi"? It was a lot of fun.
Then Liisa met up with us at the end. The laughs and fun continued. Marie kept saying "Do the chicken!" and I couldn't help but die of laughter every time. We all walked and sang and danced outside.
Marion and Marie are already planning on meeting up with me in NYC (and Boston), and Joris is thinking about joining us sometime, too. Let's hope.
It was really sad to say goodbye to Joris. He's one of my favorites. At least we'll keep in touch, but still, it was bittersweet. He's my boy! He gave me three bises, and he wanted me to know that that was special.
Liisa and I walked back to her flat and talked for a little more than an hour. Another sad (yet not forever) goodbye.
I hopped a cab and got home in time to take a nap before the next adventure began.
1 comment:
Hey! i just found your blog and i already got excited about reading someones life in paris, but unfortunately this was old blog :( Do you have any friends from Paris who´s writing a blog about their life in there? Especially i would like to read some exchance-students blog about living in Paris, because im planning to go there in two years. :) Wish your blog was new, it was good, but I already read it! :D I come back here to see if you have answered to this question :) Thanks!
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